Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer challenges

I extended the challenge to a number of students (and some now graduates) to set some goals for the summer. "Goals are dreams on a timeline." The challenge was to write no more than three specific goals in each of the following three categories - Mental, Physical, and Relational. These disciplines and developments have spiritual impacts and may reveal some spiritual roots that need to be exposed.

I offered to follow up with those who wanted me to not to impose guilt but to cheer on. I know a number of people check my blog, not really sure who, but you do. If you are interested in participating let me know. Perhaps we could "provoke one another."

1 comment:

AnneB said...

Brett!!! I had no idea you had a blog...and thanks for the anniversary wishes! Coming to DC anytime soon? Those kiddos are getting old enough to enjoy some great history...and the lodging is free!!